Tooth Bonding At Aventura Dental Care From Aventura, FL

Dr. Bistritz discuss about the different uses of tooth bonding to every dental treatment that he offers at Aventura Dental Care.Follow Dr. Bistritz on social media using the links below!


Bonding is a technology of how the material stays on the tooth. What you do with it and what you’re doing with it varies in all different situations. You could be filling a cavity. Damage to a tooth could be repaired. Resurfacing of a tooth can be done with the same material. Veneers are bonded on. Crowns are bonded on.

Bonding is a technology how we get one thing to stay on another, how to stick to it in a way. What you’re doing with it has a wide range of applications. The filling material can fill holes, can restore damage, chips, and wear, resurface, change the shape of a tooth. That’s how it can be applied.